Welcome to ELTAI
The largest Network of Teachers of English in India (An Associate of IATEFL, UK )
The English Language Teachers' Association of India (ELTAI) was founded on August 7,1974 by the late Padmashri S. Natarajan, a noted Educationist.
We bring out "The Journal of English Language Teaching", a bi-monthly, and it is given free to all the members of the Association. Our consultancy services offer Teacher training packages and organize bi-monthly meetings on current ELT themes relevant to the Indian context.
We host annual conferences and regional conferences on specific areas relevant to the ELT scenario today. Delegates from all over the country as well as the world outside participate in them, present papers and conduct workshops.
Join ELTAIMembership is open to all teachers of English (whether working or retired) and also educational institutions.There are two categories of membership offered-Annual and Short term(Three years).